About me

The Good

Fast learner.
Interested in almost all things - from HTML to SQL and all things in between.
Sometimes described as knowledgeable, capable, efficient and reliable.
Introverted but somehow able to work well with others and even mentor them.

The Bad

Opinionated - but who isn't. Thinks JS/TS is bad but sadly inevitable (insert Thanos meme) - lots of front end practices are horrible in general. But the adoption of something like Rust+WASM is definitely going to come this year for sure. Still suffers from imposter syndrome. Does terribly during live coding interviews.

The Ugly

Will not stop telling you that - VIM is the best and everything with a GUI is bloated; Linux (Arch btw) is the only valid OS; and that you should always be reading more books (I don't have a reading problem, I swear).
Thinks of remote work as a human right.
Can also talk for hours about video games (and all other mediums that include fantasy stories).
Thinks language learning is really cool.
Foolishly graduated as a medical doctor before deciding to leave all that behind and be a software engineer.
Dabbles in music sometimes - pretends to be able to play guitar.
~ Mario Todorov